CD2H MTIP Workshop

Managing Translational Informatics Projects Tutorial

Lesson 6: Intro to managing and tracking issues in GitHub

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Create issues

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Why: “Issues are a great way to keep track of tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects or for anyone else’s. As long as you are a registered GitHub user you can log an issue, or comment on an issue for any open repo on GitHub. Issues are a bit like email—except they can be shared, intelligently organized, and discussed with the rest of your team. GitHub’s tracker is called Issues, and has its own section in every repository.” (From:


How to create an issue in GitHub:

Your turn:

Follow the instructions above to create a ticket about a hypothetical issue (such as an improvement to this tutorial) that includes a sub-task list.

Assign issues

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Assign issues to people

Add labels

New Labels

Your turn:

On the ticket you previously created:

Communicate about issues

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Comment on issues

Close issues

Use direct @ mentions

Link documents

You can link documents and files by:

Cross reference to another ticket

Before saving your changes, you can preview the comment to ensure the correct formatting.

Your turn:

Organize issues

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Your turn

Create a new milestone, and add the milestone to an existing ticket.


To create project:

Your turn

Create a new project and add columns and add cards to the columns.

Query issues

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Once you start using GitHub for lots of things it is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of issues. I find the query dashboard,, much more relevant to me than the notification page.

More complex queries are also possible.

Further reading on Issue querys

Configure emails for mentions

You can set rules in your email to filter for emails that mention you, ie @username.

Clarifying “Tagging”

In GitHub, the word ‘tag’ is used generically, but means one of the following, depending on the context:

Issue labels

Here are MTIP issues related to the label GitHub. The menu of labels available for issues is configurable and (somewhat unfortunately) specific to each repo; ops label list is here.

Repo topics

Here are all of the repositories tagged with data2health across all GitHub organizations. Repo tags are not a controlled vocabulary anywhere, so it relies on people knowing exactly what to type there. The other drawback is that each repo is limited to a certain number of tags (exactly how many, I can’t recall). This is what this issue is about. Is it helpful to stratify which repos may be useful to each of these groups? If so, is the repo topics feature the best way to do so?

Mentioning users and teams

Here is an article about mentioning users and teams. It is what you can do to prompt an email to the members of a team in your GitHub organization.

Software release version tags

Here is an article explaining how to use this feature.


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If you have an issue with GitHub itself (bug, feature request, etc) where do you go? Ironically, there is no good place. If you want to look up things that others have reported, isaacs has a good resource. However, this is a rogue repo and a bit contentious.

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