Contributor Role Ontology

Contribution roles for use in crediting persons or organizations.

How to Make a Good Term Request

The following is intended to serve as a guide for anyone who would like to contribute to the CRO project by making new term requests.

Does the term you are looking for already exist?

First, please look at the current CRO and check whether the term is already there. There are several online browsers that you can use, and it is also possible to view the ontology in Protege.

Anatomy of a CRO term

Once you have convinced yourself that the item you need is not already present in CRO, please provide us with the following information

  1. Label: What is the name of the term? This should be the name most commonly used by the community.
  2. Alternative term/Synonyms. If you are aware of synonyms for you term, please include them in your term request.
  3. Definition. Please try to formulate a definition of your term that will be comprehensible to non-specialists.
  4. References. Please include a link to a published paper, website or other controlled vocabularly (provide the ID), so that other users of the CRO can find more information about your term.
  5. Parent term. If possible, please suggest where your new term should be placed within the existing ontology. It is sufficient to write the name(s) of the parent term(s) (i.e., you do not need to tell us the CRO ID, e.g., CRO:0000001)
  6. Nano-attributiion. Please include your ORCID, to receive nano-attribution for this new term. If you do not have an ORCID, you can register for free online.

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