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Peer Review

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it cost me to use Competitions?

No. Competitions is provided to the Northwestern community.

How can I log in?

Use your NetID OR create an account with a personal email

How do I create my own grant?

Go to Edit Your Profile (upper right corner, under your name) to request grant creator access. You’ll receive an email when your access is approved, and you can go to MyGrants, click on Create New Grant and get started immediately.

Can I add reviewers or grant editors from outside my institution?

Yes, but they need to have logged into Competitions at least once before you’ll be able to add them.

Who can see the grant I create?

Anyone who logs into Competitions can see the RFA and apply to your grant if you publish it and the current date is within the Publish/Open/Close dates. They cannot edit it unless you add them in the Permissions tab. If you want to limit who applies to your grant, we suggest putting your institution’s name in your grant title and explicitly saying who can apply in your RFA.

Can I create a recurring grant?

No, but you can use the Duplicate function (look for the Duplicate tab when editing your grant) to completely copy over the entire grant if you just want to make a few changes (e.g., the title, open and close dates, etc)